Jul 11, 2010

the highly anticipated post

Rumours a plenty this week folks! With the finale of the World Cup upon us in a day, Mad Men returning in just over 2 weeks (i only wish there would be a 3D version), and the apparent partay of the year that was planned 3 months ahead by the one and only benis - the question beckons, what would be worthy of your literacy sensation mention?

I shall begin the quest to answer this by a modern day riddle:

Sup Ya'll?!?!
ZOMG!! he not just do that!!!!
Where's all the peeps at?!
Say whaT?!Doooooood, TMI!

Solved the riddle?

Clue 1, this is definitely not something Don Draper would say to Betty Draper.
Clue 2, there would be no such niceties between Mr. Sneijder, Van Persie and Robben.

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